Temporal constructions, Meme, Multimodality, Functionalist LinguisticsAbstract
Based on the functionalist approach, Neves (2011) states that, in conditional constructions, ellipse of the main clause can occur, leaving the interlocutor to fill in the framed content. From the assumptions of Neves (2011), that the temporal constructions present particularities similar to those of the conditional ones, this study aimed, a priori, to show that, in the temporal constructions, the temporal adverbial subordinate clause can also come “isolated”, this is, without the explicit presence of nuclear prayer, mainly in interactive situations instilled by multimodality, as occurs in memes (Santos, 2018). Subsequently, the study was in charge of highlighting the type of logical-semantic relationship between the adverbial temporal clause and the image. For such purposes, 50 memes were investigated, but in this work, only 6 are presented, which, in general, illustrate all the results obtained. The analysis found that the overlapping of the verbal-visual dimensions in memes allows the ellipse of the main sentence in temporal constructions, since the isolated temporal subordinate sentence has its meaning completed (and vice versa) by the image that, in these cases, represents the main sentence content omitted. Furthermore, a temporal-semantic relation with a factual conditional sense was perceived in all the memes analyzed.
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