Types of Process, Entry, HomosexualitiesAbstract
Our objective in this research was to investigate the transitivity patterns found in the entries related to male homosexuals in type 3 school dictionaries. We composed a corpus that contains 40 occurrences of 11 entries extracted from five dictionaries: Bechara (2011), Ferreira (2011), Geiger (2011), Ramos (2011) and Saraiva & Oliveira (2010). The selected definitions were analyzed according to the types of Processes of Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). The data have the following general distribution: 45 (78.9%) relational Processes, 6 (10.5%) behavioral Processes, 5 (8.8%) mental Processes and 1 (1.8%) material Process. This distribution may be an influence of the genre on the lexicogramatical choices of the authors. However, the choices of Participants illustrate prejudices, social pressures, and struggles for the dignity of LGBTQ+ people.
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