



Functionalism, Social network, Oral language, Unattached adverbial clause


Theoretically based on functionalist assumptions, this article aims to describe adverbial clauses, especially unattached adverbial clauses, of a corpus consisting of data from the oral modality of contemporary Portuguese in the municipality of Mariana (MG). This functionalist-based analysis was linked to social factors for the classification of informants, among which the weak and strong social network factor stands out, according to the thinking and methodology of Milroy (1987) and Milroy (1992). Four informants from each of these networks were interviewed in two locations in the municipality of Mariana, according to age and sex. In the University Network, the occurrence of adverbial clauses was more expressive, since 431 adverbial clauses were identified in the total of informational units in this network, whereas in the Family Network 390 such clauses were identified. Regarding the number of occurrences of unattached adverbial clauses in the corpus, the results showed that the unattached phenomenon was more frequently manifested in the strong social network. The social factors age and sex seemed to have no relevance to the construction of unattached adverbial clauses in the interviews.


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Author Biography

Danúbia Sampaio, Prefeitura Municipal de Betim

Doutora e mestra em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG); graduada em Letras - Licenciatura em Língua Portuguesa e Bacharelado em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). É professora da Educação Básica da Prefeitura Municipal de Betim.


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