Compositional Construction, Text Plan, Written production, Brazil’s National CurriculumAbstract
The compositional construction of the Bakhtinian perspective, related to the structure of a text and its organization in parts, is studied under several approaches; one of them in the field of Textual Linguistics, through the text plan, a concept addressed by the Textual Analysis of Discourses. In the process of producing genres, such treatment has proved to be a very significant resource, considering the difficulty of students in writing in the school environment. In this perspective, with this research, the objective is to investigate the approach of the element of compositional construction/text plan in the Brazil’s National Curriculum of Portuguese Language of the Middle School, focusing on written production. As a theoretical foundation, the investigation is essentially based on Bakhtin (1997, 2018) and Sobral and Giacomelli (2016); in Adam (2011, 2019) and Soares and Rodrigues (2018); in Cabral (2013, 2018) and Marquesi et al. (2019). With regard to the methodology adopted, it is of a documentary nature, descriptive and of a quanti-qualitative approach. The discussions showed that, despite the curricular document considering the discursive dimensions in dealing with the textual structure, there is still a need to indicate it methodologically as a schematic organizational resource in the written production process of the discursive genres.
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