Quite logical arguments, Religious speech, PersuasionAbstract
This work has as main objective to analyze the use of the quasi-logical argumentation present in an excerpt of the conversation between the speakers Jesus Christ and Nicodemus. For this, it takes rhetoric as an art and / or technique to convince and persuade the other through discourse. Based on this understanding, a qualitative approach is followed, in which data are analyzed in a procedural, descriptive and interpretative manner. The study is based on authors such as: Abreu (2009), Aristóteles (2011), Ferreira (2015), Meyer (2007), Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca ([1958] 2014), Rocha (2020), among others. The analysis focuses on the biblical religious discourse, since the corpus is constituted from a text taken from the third chapter of the biblical book gospel of John. Through the conversation between the speakers Jesus Christ and Nicodemus, it was possible to verify how both they acted persuasively. The results indicate that the aforementioned speakers resorted to quasi-logical arguments (transitivity, ridicule, definition, rule of justice, comparison, incompatibility and sacrifice) to try to convince and persuade.
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