Subjectivity, Enunciation place, Body, FatophobiaAbstract
Based on the Discourse Analysis Theory proposed by Michel Pêcheux, the present study aims to discuss the sense effects that emerge from the narratives created by overweight subjects. This objective will be achieved through the analysis of narratives that were published on a blog, and they get an enunciation space on the virtual platform called Tumblr. For the purposes of the analysis, two discursive sequences were selected; these sequences were cut from two of the testimonies published on the blog. Our gesture of interpretation brings the element of excess (ERNST, 2009) of the discourse of the other as a symptom of the lack of his/her own place of enunciation (ZOPPI-FONTANA, 1999; 2017) by the overweight subject. This subjective lack is directly related to imaginaries of normality, which are put into circulation by the medical discourse. This discourse, under the effect of neutrality and legitimacy of the science, produces the evidence that the fat body is an unquestionably sick body and that it must be eliminated. Based on the analysis, we can see that the fat subject, although resisting, is unable to undo the determinations of the dominant ideology and find for theirselves a place in another discursive formation.
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