Argumentation and impoliteness
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Argumentation, Impoliteness, Interaction, Digital social contexts, FacebookAbstract
Based on the theoretical convergence of the studies of (im)politeness and argumentation, this article aims to analyze (im)polite linguistic-discursive strategies that underlie the oppinions of readers who commented on the news report’s post on Facebook, regarding “Moradores de rua se casam em avenida de BH”. For the construction of the theoretical basis, we based this article on works affiliated to the studies of (im)politeness (LAKOFF, 1973; LEECH, 1983; BROWN; LEVINSON, 1987; CULPEPER, 1996) and argumentation (ROULET, 1989; AMOSSY, 2000; 2009; 2017; RODRIGUES, 2011). Under the guidance of a qualitative paradigm, 22 comments were analyzed on the referred news report, published in 2019 on Portal G1’s Facebook profile. As a result, we noticed, in the corpus, that the interlocutions were permeated by several linguistic-discursive strategies that aimed to ridicule the collective marriage held in Belo Horizonte (BH), revealing clearly aggressive and impolite speech.
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