Topicality in online Instagram comments
Topicality, Discursive Topic, Social networks, Reactive Posts, Instagram commentsAbstract
This work aims to examine how internet users manage the discursive topic in comments posted on social networks, assuming that the characteristics and specificities related to the forms of interaction and participation in social media sites allow the occurrence of different forms of topical organization. The corpus selected for the analysis is comprised of a cartoon published in the Folha de S. Paulo, also posted on social networks, and reactions to it posted by internet users, found on Instagram comment spaces. To achieve the objective, the article is organized into three sections that address, respectively: the diachrony of studies on topicality; the theoretical framework that supports the analyses, limited to studies that deal with interaction in a virtual environment; and, finally, the analysis itself of the (dis)liking content type interactions, selected from reactions posted on Instagram. As a conclusion, it can be stated that polygenerated comments point to a dynamic topicality, with different focuses based on influences, which incites multiple interactions and the establishment of complex thematic networks.
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