Fictional anthroponyms in characters from classic children's stories translated to Libras
Libras, Fictional Anthroponomastics, Translation Studies, Sign names in Children’s LiteratureAbstract
This work aims to investigate how the names of characters in classic children's literature are translated from Portuguese to Libras, considering the intermodal translation of fictional anthroponyms and anthroponomastic studies and procedures to translate fictitious names in children's literature. As a methodological procedure, 16 name signs translated from Portuguese to Libras were selected from eight classic stories of children's literature translated by INES’s Teachers. The results show that the most productive translation procedure was “rendition”, alone or in combination with other procedures. As conclusions, aspects related to the modalities of the languages involved in the translation process influenced the translations, as well as the characteristics of the naming in Libras, evidenced by studies of the anthroponomastics of sign languages.
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