Socio-discursive toll

the effects of editing in the documentary Vozes de Mariana




Edition, Audio-visual, Patemization, Imaginary, Vozes de Mariana


In this article, we seek to investigate the process of construction and editorial mediation of a documentary series produced by the Estado de Minas newspaper, called Vozes de Mariana, which deals with those affected by the collapse of the Samarco tailings dam, in Mariana, Minas Gerais, in November 5, 2015. From a discursive perspective, we analyzed the editing of three interviews present in the series based on the raw records of the videos and the edited ones. Therefore, the methodological theoretical framework was constituted from the propositions of the French linguist Charaudeau about sociodiscursive imaginaries and patemization. We conclude that, despite the audiovisual production going through several processes and stages, it is in the edition that it is possible to define the framing and let the imagined and proposed meaning effects shine through. Thus, we have a version produced by the communication vehicle, and, therefore, the filtering performed to build the final product we call socio-discursive toll.


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