No dancing!

A speech on behalf of the Family




Critical Discourse Analysis, Dance, Power


Although dance is a type of non-verbal language, its social practice is crossed by several discourses that build meanings about the different styles and mainly about who dances them. Such discourses produce stereotypes and prejudices about the social groups inserted in such practices. In light of this, the family's defense discourse is an argument against the experience of some types of dance. Such discourse is based on so-called conservative ideologies that come from the ruling classes. The corpus of this article was composed of a piece of news published on the G1 Paraíba website on June 15, 2021, with the title: Dance teacher registers BO after a neighbor called choreographies recorded in a condominium 'obscene and explicit'. The Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) were assumed as theoretical, methodological and analytical assumptions. Based on the analysis carried out, it was possible to demonstrate the relationship between dance and discourse, highlighting the power relations existing in this context. The news analyzed brought to light the discourses that contribute to the maintenance of inequality and prejudice, in this context, the discourse in “defence” of the family emerges as an argument that excludes and categorizes those who deviate from the norms of sexists discourses.


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