An analysis of the social meaning of mesoclisis in texts from the journalistic sphere of Espírito Santo
Sociolinguistics, mesoclisis, journalistic sphere, stylistic variation, indexed meaning.Abstract
Despite mesoclisis not being entirely vigorous in PB, as a variant available in the vernacular of the speakers, its presence in written texts of the journalistic sphere is not insignificant. In this paper, we analyzed texts published in the newspaper A Gazeta, the most influential newspaper in Espírito Santo, from September to November 2012, in which we found a recurrence of 35.7% (5 occurrences) of this clitic placement in contexts in which its emergence is possible (future tenses, without categorical or semicategorical antecedent contexts: negative word, relative/focusing pronoun, Qu-interrogative words and quantified subjects). The use of mesoclisis, according to our analysis, is associated with social meanings of conservatism, erudition and mastery of specialized knowledge, although significant negative social factors may also be indexed. The theoretical models that support the analyzes proposed here are (i) Variationist Sociolinguistics, especially in the stylistic approach of speaker design (ECKERT, 2001, 2004; WOLFRAM; SCHILLING, 2016[1998]); (ii) text and discourse studies, namely the proposals of Adam (2019[1992]), on the categorization of discursive sequences, and of the Bakhtin Circle (VOLÓCHINOV, 2017[1929]; BAKHTIN, 2011[1953]) regarding of enunciation as a dialogic discursive action and of the notion of spheres of human activity as hierarchical social instances that organize the discourse.
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