Linguistic-discursive violence on Twitter

the emergence of anti-scientific metapragmatics in the context of covid-19




Violência linguístico-discursiva, (Im)polidez, Metapragmáticas, Interação mediada on-line, Discursos intolerantes, falaciosos e anticientíficos


In this study, we aim to evaluate how a digital influencer (DI) and his/her followers on Twitter manage impoliteness strategies that promote metapragmatics of linguistic-discursive violence, considering their political-ideological inscriptions. In the theoretical scope, we conceive that (im)politeness – instantiated in linguistic, discursive and sociointeractional domains – is related to the emerging metapragmatics of online mediated interactions, in the light of the Interactional Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics interface. In the methodological scope, we inscribed this study in (N)ethnography, as a method, linked to a qualitative episteme, so that we can analyze an online mediated interaction on Twitter. In the analytical scope, we found that different positive and negative impoliteness strategies established a scenario of linguistic-discursive violence that regimented intolerant, fallacious and anti-scientific metapragmatics. Finally, we assume that combating fake news means preventing the spread of such metapragmatics, with a view to minimizing scenarios of violence.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Albuquerque, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Linguística pela Universidade de Brasília e professor na mesma instituição de ensino.

J, Universidade de Brasília

Graduada em Letras-Francês (licenciatura) e graduanda em Letras-Francês (bacharelado) pela Universidade de Brasília.


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