Textual cohesion and coherence

The text plan of the news “Asteroid fragment entered the Earth's atmosphere near the Barrancos border”





Text, Cohesion, Coherence, Text plan, New


This article aims to discuss the concepts of text, cohesion, coherence and text plan. Anchored in Textual Linguistics, a theoretical problematization was initially carried out, based on Fonseca (1992), Adam (2011), Lopes & Carapinha (2013), Silva (2012; 2016), demonstrating, with some examples of statements, the characteristics of these constructs, in order to, in a practical dimension, discuss and analyze the concept of text plan (cf. Adam, 2011; Costa; Silva, 2011), through micro and macrostructural analyzes of the digital news “Asteroid fragment entered the terrestrial atmosphere near the border north of Barrancos.” From this analysis, we outline the superstructure of the news and corroborate the idea that the empirical material examined, due to its predictability, both in structural terms and in terms of thematic progression and meaning, falls within the genres whose text plan is conventional (cf. Adam, 2011).


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Author Biography

Guilherme Delgado Oliveira, Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV)

Doutorado em Estudos Portugueses - Especialidade Linguística Portuguesa, pela Universidade Aberta, Portugal. Mestrado em Estudos Portugueses - Investigação e Ensino pela Universidade Aberta, Portugal. Licenciado em Estudos Cabo-verdianos e Portugueses pela Universidade do Mindelo, Cabo Verde. Docente da Escola Industrial e Comercial do Mindelo e da Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV).


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