Designations for the calf
how the propagation of sul-rio-grandenses and paulistas variants occurs based on data from the Linguistic Atlas of the Tropeiros Route
Linguistic Atlas of the Tropeiros Route, Propagation of variants, Southern region, Calf, GeolinguisticsAbstract
The non-homogeneity of speech in the South is linked to various factors, including the contact between gaúchos and paulistas during migratory flows in the Tropeirismo era. With the aim of investigating the current linguistic reality of the tropeiros route, Chofard (2023) established a database of portuguese spoken along the route from Cruz Alta-RS to Sorocaba-SP, to support the development of the Linguistic Atlas of the Tropeiros Route, from which this work unfolds. Therefore, this article is a section of Chofard's thesis (2023), focusing on question 55 of the Lexical Semantic Questionnaire and seeking designations for the calf, aiming to: (i) survey the recorded variants for the item along the tropeiros route; (ii) map the distribution of variants; (iii) identify designations that may belong to either the sul-rio-grandense or paulista linguistic variety; and (iii) ascertain how the propagation of these variants occurs in the analyzed territory. Among the recorded variants, two stood out: bezerro, as the [+SP] variant, and terneiro, [+RS], which showed to spread in opposite directions, with the paulista variant being the most widespread in the investigated area.
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