Linguistic analysis activities on lexical frequency
lexical frequency, Linguistic analysis, TextbookAbstract
The lexicon in the context of education is often neglected, taking a back seat to grammar. This subordinate position imposed leads to a disregard for the potential inherent in conscious vocabulary repetition for specific purposes, something that should be addressed in the classroom. Therefore, in this work, our aim is to analyze the concepts of lexicon and the perspectives of linguistic analysis (LA) observed in lexical frequency activities in textbooks, considering reading and writing practices. Our theoretical foundations are based on authors such as Neves (2020) and Antunes (2012) for addressing lexicon and lexical frequency, as well as Bezerra and Reinaldo (2020) regarding LA. Our methodology is inductive, descriptive-explanatory, and documentary (Mascarenhas, 2018; Gil, 2008), as we seek, in previously unanalyzed documents, through description and explanation, to understand what is covered regarding vocabulary repetition and how it occurs. Our results indicate the existence of a study on word repetition, albeit still timid and not systematic, overlooking important elements that should be considered by the teacher.
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