The role of deixis in evidential constructions with “quer ver”
Deixis, Evidentiality, Portuguese languageAbstract
From the theoretical perspective of Cognitive Linguistics, specifically the studies of deixis by Marmaridou (2000) and Linguistic Functionalism (Gívón, 2001), we investigated the role of deixis in the evidential construction [quer ver] in Brazilian Portuguese, which we call an evidentiality marker, formed by the complex schema [[VVolitive(auxiliary) VPercepção(VER{non-visual (mental) perception})]Direct/indirect evidentiality operator]], based on synchronic stratification, in data extracted from the Now sample, from the Corpus of Portuguese. By analyzing the contexts in which direct and indirect evidentiality are used, the results indicate a close relationship between the deixis projected by the speaker and the expression of evidentiality in the construction "[quer ver]". In addition, the deictic field plays a central role in creating a shared context between the speaker and the interlocutor, influencing the interpretation and understanding of the evidence presented.
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