The functional diaconstruction [NP(VPFUNC)X]
a description of incompatibilities in the context of L2BP acquisition by deaf learners
Deafness, UBGC, DCG, L2BPAbstract
The article deals with research developed within the scope of Usage-Based Construction Grammar (Goldberg, 2006; Diessel, 2019; Perek, 2015) and Diasystematic Construction Grammar (Höder et al 2021). The motivation for this investigation was due to the perception that deaf students of different age groups and education levels present distortions in the use of the functional construction [NP VFUNC X] with the verbs SER and ESTAR in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Our hypothesis is that deaf learners may not have specified the functional construction [NP VFUNC X] of BP (Soares & Nascimento, 2020), and its microconstructions, but only the functional diaconstruction [NP(VPFUNC) X], which leads to overgeneralizations, language transfer and interference in L2BP, that are reflected in systemic problems in the written production of these individuals. For this qualitative and quantitative research, we applied a diagnostic test (TDiag) in cloze format, to check the performance of deaf learners regarding the construction, observing morphosyntactic incompatibilities, which allowed us to characterize three groups of deaf learners' writing problems in L2BP (a) Deletions; (b) Improper fillings and (c) Discordant combinations.
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