Educational Sociolinguistics
towards a culturally sensitive language teaching
Educational Sociolinguistics, Portuguese Language Teaching, Culturally Sensitive Methodology, Basic EducationAbstract
It is known that Portuguese language teaching in Brazilian Basic Education still needs improvement, given the low literacy rates among the population. In this context, the aim of this work is to answer the following question: “How can Educational Sociolinguistics contribute to making Portuguese language classes in Basic Education more effective for students’ literacy?”. Methodologically, this is a qualitative research and data generation is through literature review and document analysis. It also examines official documents of the educational area. Data analysis indicates that Portuguese language teaching (or teaching of other languages) in Basic Education: (i) needs to be culturally sensitive; (ii) must be genre-based; (iii) should adopt a conception of language as a variable phenomenon in all classes; and (iv) focus on developing students' (socio)linguistic awareness to encourage respect for the inherent heterogeneity of the Brazilian people and the Brazilian Portuguese language. Therefore, it is understood that teaching practices regarding language instruction in Basic Education can be enhanced by the premises of this productive approach.
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