Silence as a response in the corporate world
neological loanwords with the lexical unit ‘quiet’
English Loanwords in Portuguese, Neology, Compounds, Corporate DomainAbstract
This work aims to study some neological loanwords from English that are currently used in business domain in Portuguese. The units analyzed are compounds with the adjectival base ‘quiet’, which leads to formations with the structure ‘quiet-X’. In this structure, X is a noun that functions as the semantic core of the compound, as in ‘quiet vacation’ and ‘quiet ambition’. The theoretical framework is based on Pruvost and Sablayrolles (2003), Cabré (1993), Crystal (2003), Faraco (2001), Viana (2023), among others. The methodological procedures are guided by the principles conventionally adopted in Neology studies, which involve corpus collection, comparison with an exclusion corpus, detection and validation of neologisms, and the analysis of these units. The corpus is composed of journalistic texts dating from 2020 to 2024 and posts from the social network X. The detection of neologism candidates was done automatically by a Neologism Extractor, followed by manual validation. Semantically, the units analyzed reveal different meanings of the adjectival unit ‘quiet’ in the series of compounds; culturally, the units reflect the overvaluation of performance and productivity in the corporate world, through practices that reflect discontent among individuals in this group.
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