The Relationship between Discourse Genres and Variable Phenomena in the Third Wave of Variation Studies




Third wave of variation studies, writings of the Bakhtin Circle, stylistic variation, discourse genres


Variationist Sociolinguistics has been undergoing theoretical and methodological adjustments as it dialogues with other linguistic approaches. This article aims to revisit part of the theoretical and methodological articulation proposed by Bragança (2017) between variationist approach, in its third phase/wave (COUPLAND, 2001; 2007; IRVINE, 2001; ECKERT, 2005; 2012; 2016; 2018; ZHANG, 2005, among others), and Bakhtinian approach (BAKHTIN, 2011 [1952-53]; BAKHTIN, 2011 [1979]; VOLOCHÍNOV (2013 [1925], among others), considering the relationship established, in this articulation, between stylistic variation and discourse genres for the examination of variable phenomena. Therefore, this investigation, with a qualitative approach and an interpretive bias, is constituted as a bibliographic and documental research and on a brief analysis of the genre of posts, with samples extracted from the Instagram profiles (a) Caneta Desmanipuladora and (b) Caneta Desesquerdizadora that

illustrate the theoretical discussions. As a result, it argues that discourse genres are the privileged place for studying linguistic style, the object of investigation of the third phase of variationist studies, given their new conception of style in this wave.


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