Experience of internship in non-school space: difficulties of the Education by Alternation in bachelor's degrees in Field Education



This article aims to describe and analyze the experience of a supervised curricular internship carried out in a non-school educational space, that is, at the Regional Institute of Small Appropriate Agriculture (IRPAA), located in the north of the state of Bahia, a non-governmental organization and social that works with the proposal of Living with the Semi-Arid, in the construction of a better society to live. Discusses the relevance of internship experiences for the training of field educators who work with the Alternation Pedagogy in Agricultural Family School (EFA). The “Systematization of Experiences” was the methodology adopted for the process of describing and analyzing the experiences in the Internship. As a result, we point out the importance of the internship for teacher training, which becomes more meaningful and emancipatory, provided that the theory and practice unit is taken into account. For this reason, it must be linked with research and articulated with the set of curricular components carried out throughout the course of training. Anyway, this work raises questions that challenge the practice and understanding of the Internship in the Degree Course in Field Education - Agricultural Sciences area (LECCA), held at the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of the South of Minas, Campus Inconfidentes / MG.


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Author Biographies

Samuel Pinheiro Santos, EFA Araçuaí

Graduando em Licenciatura em Educação do Campo - Ciências Agrárias - IFSULDEMINAS, Campus Inconfidentes, Monitor-Educador da Escola Família Agroecológica de Araçuaí-MG. Email 

João Batista Begnami

Coordenador Pedagógico da Associação Mineira das Escolas Família Agrícola (AMEFA). Colaborador como professor e coordenador pedagógico do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo – Área de Ciências Agrárias (LECCA) - no IFSULDEMINAS, Campus Inconfidentes, MG. Doutor e Mestre em Educação. Especialista em Pedagogia da Alternância. Graduado em Filosofia. Pesquisador da Pedagogia da Alternância e Educação do Campo.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3273-3028


Tiago Pereira da Costa

Doutorando em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Territorial
(PPGADT/UNIVASF); Mestre em Extensão Rural; Especialista em Educação
Ambiental Interdisciplinar; Especialista em Desenvolvimento Sustentável no
Semiárido; Especialista em Metodologias Participativas Aplicadas à Pesquisa e
a ATER; Gestor Ambiental; Pedagogo.





Dossiê: Educação do Campo: processos formativos no Espírito Santo e no Brasil