"Life history" on teacher training PIBID-UFES: narrative life history of two chemistry pre-service teachers about their formative experiences on school
Abstract: This paper presents part of a Master Thesis’ results in progress, which theme concerns initial chemistry teacher training PIBID-UFES, located in the city of Alegre. This communication presents the results of a study on school formative experiences of two chemistry pre-service teachers scholarships. Narrative interviews were carried out with two PIBID scholarships students, grounded on theoretical and methodological biographical approach, which goal is to get the participants reconstruction of their experiences related to the topic under study. The analysis of the interviews, was inspired by Bardin content analysis propositions. The results were classified into three thematic sub-axes: acknowledgment of school space and monitoring classes activities, development teaching methods with students school partner, relationship with Basic Education students and professionals. It was identified experiences of chemistry pre-service teachers about their formative experiences on school, through the development of the activities on PIBID. Was conclude that the PIBID-QUÍMICA-UFES-ALEGRE experience has contributed to chemistry pre-service teachers development.
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