The social function of the chemistry teacher in relation to the pandemic in Brazil




Chemistry teacher, Pandemic, Society


The Chemistry teacher has profuse responsibilities, or at school or outside it, that professional contributes to the formation of numerous citizens each year. In 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers had to rebuild The Chemistry teacher has profuse responsibilities, or at school or outside it, that professional contributes to the formation of numerous citizens each year. In 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers had to rebuild and meet a new requirement: working with distance learning. Along with this, the role of the teacher has changed, bringing other more urgent responsibilities, such as education to raise awareness of the prevention of this virus. Having said that, the present work is a conceptual analysis, which aims to understand the different social functions that the Chemistry professor assumed in the pandemic within the Brazilian context, through the use of an online qualitative questionnaire aiming to know different opinions on the theme. This questionnaire includes three discursive questions, the question "In general, what is the role of the Chemistry teacher in a pandemic?" is the one used for the categorization of responses and subsequent reflection on the themes brought up by them. To summarize, it was observed that most of the people managed to elaborate an answer that dealt with at least one topic belonging to the Chemistry professor's function, demonstrating that the presence of this professional is common in the daily lives of many people, and given the arguments exposed by the participants, they must educate in an equal and fair way, relating the content of Chemistry to the problem experienced, intending to prepare them critically to deal with this new conjuncture


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Author Biography

Carla Sardinha de Oliveira, FAVENI

Mestranda do programa de pós-graduação em ensino de química da UFRJ desde o início de 2022, pós-graduada em Ensino de Física e Química pela FAVENI (2021), graduada em Química - Licenciatura pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (2021), técnica em Agroindústria pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense (2014), e professora de Química do Colégio Maria da Conceição Baptista de Oliveira. Durante toda a graduação participou de projetos de pesquisa na área de ensino, utilizando diferentes metodologias ativas de aprendizagem, por consequência, em sua prática docente procura diversificar os caminhos que levam a construção dos saberes, incentivando um maior engajamento e participação dos alunos. Além disso, se orgulha de ser fruto da escola pública, e possui grande interesse nas relações que se estabelecem dentro da sala de aula.


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