Intensive Theater

remote theatre classes in the Pedagogical Residency Program


  • André Luiz Lopes Magela UFSJ
  • Jaqueline Sibeli Florêncio Ribeiro UFSJ



Based on an intensive approach to theater, this article composes reflections on theater teaching in public schools during the distance learning period experienced due to the pandemic originated by Covid-19, in the Pedagogical Residency Program, promoted by CAPES and the Federal University of São João del Rei - UFSJ. It addresses themes linked to the research of theatricality, subjectivity and corporeity. The discussions are based on the experience of a resident and a coordinator of the Pedagogical Residency.


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Author Biographies

André Luiz Lopes Magela, UFSJ

Professor Adjunto na Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ) no Curso de Licenciatura em Teatro e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas.

Jaqueline Sibeli Florêncio Ribeiro, UFSJ

Licencianda em teatro pela UFSJ. Residente no Programa Residência Pedagógica.

