A Cartography of Internships in Arts through Remote Teaching


  • Juliana Maria Girão Carvalho Nascimento Universidade Federal do Ceará




This is a cartographic study of Supervised Internships I e II in Theatre undergraduate course from UFC, developed in COVID-19 pandemic background, since August 2020 from April 2021, to present the triggers developed during Art subjects in middle school. The virtual territories from three public schools are drafted from the school Art teachers’, the internship supervisor’s, and the interns’ home. In conclusion, this study shows how the triggers supervisors have proposed reflect on interns’ pedagogical practices, during the virtual Art classes, adopting methodologies that articulate BNCC, inventiveness, Law number 11.645 and decolonial paradigm, on behalf of a counter-isolation pedagogy.


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Author Biography

Juliana Maria Girão Carvalho Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Atriz, diretora e pesquisadora em teatro. Professora adjunta da Licenciatura em Teatro da Universidade Federal do Ceará, possui graduação e mestrado em Psicologia (UFC), e doutorado em Artes Cênicas pela UFBA. Iniciou seu percurso no teatro em 1995, no Curso de Arte Dramática (CAD) da UFC.

