The theater on paper

strategies for remote education in the Rede Municipal de Educação de Salvador


  • Taiana Souza Lemos PPGAC/UFBA



This article aims to disseminate and reflect on  strategies for teaching theater developed in an emergency manner in the context of the pandemic by Covid-19. Strategies developed by a teacher who works in the Municipal Education Network of Salvador will be presented. The intention to reflect on teaching theater without interaction via the internet, having as a means of material communication only guidelines and tasks printed in b&w, brings out the need to critically look at the political context in which remote teaching is inserted, the structural conditions to achieve the students and how the teaching of theater is specifically reached due to the absence of foundations and conditions that provide the teaching of an essentially presential artistic language.


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Author Biography

Taiana Souza Lemos, PPGAC/UFBA

Atriz, professora de Teatro e pesquisadora. Doutoranda em Artes Cênicas (PPGAC / UFBA), Mestrado em Artes Cênicas (UFBA), graduação em Licenciatura em Teatro (UFBA). Docente da Rede Municipal de Educação de Salvador.

