Conceptions of students participating in scientific dissemination activities on the life cycle of stars




astrophysics; astronomy teaching; learning; science outreach


This article aims to examine the conceptions of students present in scientific dissemination activities on Stellar Astrophysics. These actions were carried out in 2018 with high school and elementary school students from different public schools located in municipalities on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, having as a starting point the Caraguatatuba campus of the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP). The systematization of the data obtained from the answers given by the students of two of these schools to a questionnaire applied shortly after the presentations took place, allowed us to know the points of view and the opinions of the students on the topics covered. The actions carried out allowed us to conclude that the interest of many young people in astronomy topics can be successfully and actively used in the process of learning areas of the discipline of Physics. In particular, the study of stellar evolution and the dependence of the different final stages of this evolution on the mass of the stars involved can be useful in this sense.


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Author Biographies

Yasmin Francisca dos Santos Coelho, Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP) – Campus Caraguatatuba

Estduante do curso de Licenciatura em Física do IFSP-Caraguatatuba

Ricardo Roberto Plaza Teixeira, IFSP-Caraguatatuba

Licenciado e bacharel em física pela UNICAMP (1984)

Licenciado e bacharel em história pela USP (2000)

Mestre em Física Nuclear pela USP (1988)

Doutor em Física Nuclear pela USP (1996)



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