Art-education in post-modernity:

discourses and memories about pedagogical practice


  • Roney Gusmão



Researches about the consequences of the mandatory teaching of arts in schools over these 50 years requires observing the ways in which historical contexts flow into the imagination that is built on pedagogical practice. In effect, the discourses formulated today about the role of art in education, as well as the motivations that substantiate educational practices, demonstrate the coexistence of representations carried by memory and resignified in the experiences of the present. Therefore, art education presents itself as a field of dispute between perpetuation and subversion of meanings, which is noticeable in the speeches of the interviewees transcribed in this article. Furthermore, we are interested in observing how the post-modern time reverberates in discourses around art teaching in Brazilian basic education.


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Author Biography

Roney Gusmão

Professor Adjunto do Centro de Cultura, Linguagens e Tecnologias Aplicadas – CECULT da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia – UFRB.

