Literature on Screens
the use of the Google Sites tool in reader education
Literature, Formation of readers, Information and Communication Technology (ITTs)Abstract
This research aims to relate a dialogue between the literature presented in schools, the process of readers’ training and the use of the Google Sites tool within the teaching-learning relationship. To this goal, the work in question addresses the history of the transitions that occurred between the first writings to the screens surrounding the globe. It is about the formation of readers and the teaching role in this process. The research is also presented as a qualitative and exploratory study, whereas it investigates, through the speech of elementary school teachers, the difficulties encountered to form readers, their own relationship with literature and, finally, their intimacy with Information and Communication Technologies (ITTs). It was found, through interviews, that there is a constant need to reinvent the teaching, to know and dialogue with the new information media, which surround the current generation of students, and explore the technological supports in the teaching practice of educators. As a final result, a website ("Espaço Literatura" - Google Sites) was created as a tool in the formation of readers. This product aims to explore the multimedia available for the platform by bringing together literary texts, supporting texts, images, videos, links to other sites and also a specific tab for the joint construction of student and teacher, and also for socialization and sharing of activities and productions of the students themselves.
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