Active pedagogical practices that articulate ruralfield education and science teaching
Rural Education Education; Science Teaching; Active Methodologies; Pedagogical Practices.Abstract
This research has as general objective to articulate Science Teaching and pedagogical practices based on active methodologies for the rural schools in the Region of Campanha Gaúcha, and as specific objectives: to identify pedagogical practices with active methodologies that articulate Rural Education and the Science Teaching published in the Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo; carry out a survey of priority themes for the field in Region Campanha Gaúcha and relate the adequacy of each priority theme with pedagogical practices based on their specificities. The four pedagogical practices identified in the bibliographic review are: Simulated jury, Brainstorming, Phenomena as mediators of the educational process in Natural Sciences and the use of Educational Objects. In order to contextualize such practices with the Region of Campanha Gaúcha, a survey of priority themes for the field was carried out through a digital questionnaire applied to students and graduates of the Rural Education Licentiate Courseat the Universidade Federal do Pampa. Collaborated with the survey of priority themes 39 participants. The research results contribute to the dissemination of active pedagogical practices that articulate Rural Education and Science Teaching.
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