The teaching of reading comprehension
some teachers' considerations
teaching reading; reading conceptions; teacher trainingAbstract
This paper aims to verify how Portuguese language teachers understand the concept of reading comprehension and develop reading teaching strategies in the classroom. In order to achieve this goal, a semi-structured interview was carried out with two Portuguese language teachers, from a school in the city of Taquari/RS, in order to investigate their knowledge about the concept of reading (MORAIS, 2013; LEFFA, 1996 ; SOLÉ, 2012) and which practices they consider effective for teaching this skill. The data generated by the interviews were analyzed using a Content Analysis approach (BARDIN, 2011) and qualified in two categories, namely: a) reading concepts; and b) didactics of reading. Based on the study, it was found that there are still challenges to be overcome, especially with regard to the relationship between conceptions of reading comprehension and, as a result, of teaching in reading.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Róger Sullivan Faleiro , Kári Lúcia Forneck, Carolina Taís Werlang, Silvana Neumann Martins, Juliane da Silva Medeiros
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