Non-formal and community education
an experience report at the São Mateus - ES Psychosocial Care Center
Non-formal Education; CommunityEducation; SupervisedinternshipAbstract
This paper presents the experiences of the Supervised Internship in Education in Non-School Contexts, of the Pedagogy Course, at the Federal University of Espírito Santo - Ufes, held at the São Mateus Psychosocial Care Center, Alcohol and Drugs - CAPS/AD, between May and July 2022. As a theoretical contribution, we have the contributions of Gohn (2009; 2010), which brings the core of non-formal education as a constitutive element of training from everyday life, in addition to community education that aims at the development of citizen practices, solidarity, recovery of self-esteem and values. To complement this, Freire (2013) points out that conscientization through praxis. During the internship, the work dynamics and the group of patients who were part of the garden project were observed. Subsequently, a project on health, self-care, and healthy eating was developed, which dialogued with the implementation of the garden. In this way, the following actions were carried out during three days: organization of the space, lectures and dynamics about these themes, and the end with a soirée with poetry reading and patient expression. Finally, the experience contributed greatly to the promotion of health, self-care, and healthy eating.
FREIRE, Paulo. Extensão ou comunicação? [recurso eletrônico] / Paulo Freire; tradução Rosiska Darcy de Oliveira. - [1. ed.] - Rio de Janeiro : Paz e Terra, 2013. recurso digital.
GOHN, Maria da Glória. Educação não formal e o educador social: atuação no desenvolvimento de projetos sociais / Maria da Glória Gohn. São Paulo: Cortez, 2010 - (Coleções questões da nossa época; v. 1).
GOHN, Maria da Glória. Educação não-formal, educador (a) social e projetos sociais de inclusão social. Meta: Avaliação, Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, n. 1, p. 28-43, jan./abr. 2009. Disponível em: em 15 jul. 2022
GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO ESPÍRITO SANTO. CAPS NO ESPÍRITO SANTO. Observatório Capixaba. (Online) Disponível em: Acesso em 12 jun. 2022.
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ESPÍRITO SANTO - UFES. Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia na Modalidade Licenciatura. São Mateus/ES, 2011.
Copyright (c) 2022 Erick Carlos da Silva, Ailton Pereira Morila
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