The cultural heritage of the school of science, biology and history (ECBH)
experience in history teaching
Local history. Cultural heritage. Identity and Memory. School of Science Biology and History (ECBH).Abstract
This article deals with the realization of the internship experience in the semester 2022/1, at the School of Science Biology and History (ECBH), specifically in the historical and museological collection, mainly of material and immaterial cultural heritage, focusing on the history of Espírito Santo. Theoretically, it is based on the thinking of Abreu (2015) and Davallon (2015) to think about cultural heritage. It also discusses the construction of identity (HALL, 2014), memory (HALBWACHS, 1990) and the teaching of local history (SCHMIDT; GARCIA, 2005). For this, it traces the process of patrimonialization in Brazil, approaching the educational practices carried out at the School of Science, Biology and History (ECBH), in order to experience the appreciation of memory and local history, in the possibility of favoring the feeling of belonging. of the individual in relation to the place where he lives.
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