Culturally sensitive pedagogy and observation in the classroom
Pedagogia Sociolinguística Observação de sala de aulaAbstract
Sociology has established itself as a science in Brazil and has proven to be very important, not only to demonstrate that the purpose of language is communication, but to value the language learned by each individual.This work aims to establish a relationship between sociolinguistics and active teacher training to articulate the dialogue between culturally affective pedagogy and classroom observation. At first some concepts of Sociolinguistics proposed by Labov (2008) and Coelho (2010) and we also have some concepts about culturally sensitive pedagogy proposed by Bagno (1999) and Bortoni-Ricardo (2009). The methodology is based on a qualitative and descriptive teaching case study, which teachers are observed in the classroom, so that they reflect on a methodology that includes all students. With this, this study covers the need to guide teachers on the affective realization of their classes so that it can provide the teaching and learning process.
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