A multimodal semiotic look at the Tik Tok app

from the notion of design to the projection of identities


  • Joel de Jesus Junior CEUNES




Multimodal Social Semiotics; Tik Tok; Text; Identities.


This article aims to take a look at the Tik Tok application and the diversity of modes and resources made available to users for the production of texts and how the choices made in this space project identities based on their cultural and semiotic diversity. To this end, we opted for qualitative research based on considerations of the Multimodal Social Semiotics framework (KRESS, 2010, 2015) for the discussion around design, redesign and the semiotic work of the video app's creators and we resorted to studies by Hall (2006) to discuss the identities projected in this space. We selected two videos considered as trends and a profile of a content creator for semiotic and identity analysis on Tik Tok. The results indicate a plurality of resources that make it possible to implement semiotic work that reflects users' choices and interests, thus producing new signs, in addition to projecting multiple identities in this new habitat of text production.


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