Cicero and Clodius: a dispute over religious authority


  • Jhan Lima Daetwyler



Cicero, Roman religion, Haruspicum Responso


The article aims to analyze a specific moment in Cicero’s political trajectory, when he returned to the city of Rome after his exile in 56 BCE, and had to deal with the political and religious rivalry of Clodius. As we shall see, in this case, the quarrels between the two romans were due to the prodiges reported by the College of Haruspices. In these debates, Cicero tried to prove that his religious authority made him the true interlocutor with the deities and that Clodius, in various ways, was a profane enemy who needed to be fought for the good of the Republic.


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How to Cite

DAETWYLER, Jhan Lima. Cicero and Clodius: a dispute over religious authority. Romanitas - Revista de Estudos Grecolatinos, [S. l.], n. 13, p. 93–108, 2019. DOI: 10.17648/rom.v0i13.28065. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Dossier: Roman Republic: culture and society