Eugenics and modernist literature

"supremacy" of the mestizo as Brazilian redemption?




race, people, nation


This research discusses the Plínio Salgado and Cassiano Ricardo’s opinion – published in various articles in the newspaper Correio Paulistano –  as cultural consumption of José Vasconcelos’ notion “cosmic race”. It is also important to highlight that the opinion articles discussed here outlined of the Brazilian's position at modernis, in this paper named with the colors of the Brazilian flag (green and yellow). We also problematize how the Brazilian modernism proposed the reinterpretation of eugenics, which valued the contribution of indigenous people, Africans, and European immigrants to Brazilian racial formation. We analyze how the positions on miscegenation exposed in these texts served as a backdrop to inspire the writing of the poem Martim Cererê (1927) by Cassiano Ricardo. Thus, considering the predominance of whitening theories in the first years of the 20th century, we argue that the appropriations of José Vasconcelos’ thesis by the two modernist writers produced another result such as, for example, the “cosmic race’s” notion as an appreciation of miscegenation as opposed to race pure.


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Author Biographies

George Leonardo Seabra Coelho, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

She holds a BA and a BSc in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2006), an MA in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2010) and a PhD in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2015). He did a post-doctoral internship in History at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). He is currently an Adjunct Professor on the History degree course at UFT-Porto Nacional and coordinator of the PPGHispam-UFT. He also coordinates the Afro-Brazilian Studies Center at UFT-Porto Nacional. He has experience in teaching history, photography, literature and history, with an emphasis on Brazilian history and modernist literature, working mainly on the following topics: discourse and power, modernist literature, integration projects and Brazilian authoritarian thought. He also conducts research into the relationship between media, technology and history, and is the creator and leader of the Media, Technology and History Research Group (MITECHIS). He is Editor of the journal Antígona (2763-9533), creator and Editor of the journal Convergências: Estudos em Humanidades Digitais (2965-2758) and a referee for more than ten national journals.

Márcia Regina da Silva Ramos Carneiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Regional Development of the Fluminense Federal University, working in the History Department in the subjects History of Republican Brazil and General Economic History (Economics Course). She is a member of the teaching staff of the Professional Master's Degree Program in History Teaching - ProfHistória - UFF and the Graduate Program in Regional Development, Environment and Public Policies (PPGDAP) at UFF/Campos. She has a degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; a degree in History (UFF); a specialization in Brazilian History, a Master's degree in Social History and a PhD in Social History from the Fluminense Federal University. Her main areas of research are: History and Memory, Culture and History, political militancy, integralist thought, the study of gender issues, especially the conceptions/representations of the biological and political/Cartesian Being: the Woman, Political History and Science. Coordinator of the Laboratory for the Study of Right and Authoritarianism (LEDA) and the Laboratory for the Study of Immanence and Transcendence (LEIT), developing studies in Ethics, Aesthetics and Dialectics. Editor of the column "Praxis, Poiésis & Theoria" in the ContemporArtes magazine (UFABC/SP). Post-doctorate in Education at the Fluminense Federal University, with the theme: "Brazilian integralist gnoses and eschatologies: Brazilian thought".



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How to Cite

SEABRA COELHO, George Leonardo; DA SILVA RAMOS CARNEIRO, Márcia Regina. Eugenics and modernist literature: "supremacy" of the mestizo as Brazilian redemption?. Ágora Journal, Vitória/ES, v. 35, p. e-20243508 , 2024. DOI: 10.47456/e-20243508. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Modernisms in Brazil throughout the 20th Century