Study on the student body's view of the new teaching methodologies for UniSales engineering courses


  • Miriam Aparecida Ignácio de Almeida Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales
  • Flávio Lúcio Santos de Carvalho Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales



PBL, Interaction, Academic Knowledge, Practical Experiences, Implementation, Critical Training


Currently, a lot is thought and discussed about new teaching methodologies, which are in the different stages of basic education, so that they improve in students: the acquisition of knowledge, interaction and integration of this knowledge with real work situations, where this knowledge is more assertively applied, in addition to the emergence of protagonism, self-confidence, empathy and solidarity and sustainability, also emphasizing all the other skills and competences that the professional market demands. But, while this is all exciting and attractive to the entire academic body, especially the student body, it is very scary and challenging, as it is all new and different from the traditional teaching method that has been used since the beginning of the transmission process. of knowledge. Both for us, the professors, the students, and for the institutions, there are difficulties in adapting the traditional methodology to the new methodologies. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the feeling of the student body in face of all the proposed changes to the education system. Questions were made to students, through an online survey with them, checking in detail, expectations, doubts and other information regarding the change to new teaching methodologies. The statistical results showed that students are aware that the changes are relevant due to new market demands, but it is concluded that they are still afraid of how these changes are taking place and if the institutions, the teaching staff and themselves are prepared for such.


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Author Biographies

Miriam Aparecida Ignácio de Almeida, Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales

holds a degree in Statistics from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2001) and a master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2006). Lecturer at the Salesian University Center (UniSales). (Text provided by the author)

Flávio Lúcio Santos de Carvalho, Centro Universitário Salesiano - UniSales

I have a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1997), a degree in Full Degree in Chemistry, Mathematics and Professional Metallurgy from the Fundação de Educação para o Trabalho de Minas Gerais (1999), a master's degree in Metallurgical and Mining Engineering from the Federal University from Minas Gerais (2002 - emphasis on Materials Science - Ceramic, Composite and Metallic Surface Tribological Coverings), postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Faculdade de Nanuque (2014) and MBA in Hybrid Education, Active Methodologies and Learning Management. At ArcelorMittal Tubarão, he worked as a specialist in Integrated Product Quality Control - plate and coil (2001~2008) and as a specialist in Production Planning and Control-PCP in Product Order Management in coil (2008~2013), thus obtaining the experiences in the areas of Metallurgical Engineering - Integrated Product Quality Control and Production Engineering - Product Order Management. He worked as a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES - 2004~2006 and 2009~2014) and Faculdade do Centro Leste (UCL - 02/2008~06/2008) teaching subjects from higher education courses in Metallurgical Engineering and Metallurgical Technology, and Metallurgy Technician in both institutions (being the disciplines: Steel, Steel, Mechanical Conformation, Casting and Welding). He also served as a teacher of Mathematics and Chemistry in state educational institutions for high school (2013 ~ 2016). He is currently a master professor at UNISALES - Centro Universitário Salesiano (2013) in the subjects of: Materials Science, Material Strength, General Inorganic and Technological Chemistry, Mechanics I, Production Planning and Control I, Production Processes, Production Systems, Lean Manufacturing and Production Installations Projects for Production Engineering and Civil Engineering courses. He acted as coordinator and advisor of interdisciplinary projects in the Civil Engineering course. He works as a coordinating professor and advisor for interdisciplinary integrative projects and as a tutor for TCC projects, both in the Production Engineering course. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. A. I. de, & Carvalho, F. L. S. de. (2021). Study on the student body’s view of the new teaching methodologies for UniSales engineering courses. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(4), 11–22.



Edição Especial "Educação 5.0: Inovação e metodologias ativas para o ensino supe