Raw material loss evaluation: a proposal to improve a bakery process


  • Flavio Lucio Santos de Carvalho Centro Universitário Salesiano - Unisales
  • Clério Pereira Leite Junior Centro Universitário Salesiano - Unisales




VSM, Processes, Improvement, Efficiency


The increased competitiveness among the companies in the market causes organizations to increasingly seek ways to increase their productivity and minimize the potential for waste of their resources. Thereby it becomes fundamental knowledge of all the activities that add or not value the process and the product. One of the fundamental ways to improve processes and increase the revenues is the elimination or reduction of waste of resources. In this way, the present work shows its objective being a suggestion of proposal for improvement of the productive process of a bakery located in a city of the northern region of Espirito Santo State. To achieve this success in the research, several data were collected from the company's production processes such as monthly production, consumption of resources and costs associated with production. Subsequently, the application of the VSM tools and the Cause and Effect Diagram allowed for a better analysis of the process and obtaining a diagnosis of the real and current situation for the visualization and quantification of the same. Finally, the suggestion proposal for the improvement of the process was carried out aiming at reducing the consumption of wheat, a resource defined as being more representative during the production process, and a better efficiency in the process.


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Author Biography

Flavio Lucio Santos de Carvalho, Centro Universitário Salesiano - Unisales

I have a degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1997), a degree in Full Degree in Chemistry, Mathematics and Professional Metallurgy from the Fundação de Educação para o Trabalho de Minas Gerais (1999), a master's degree in Metallurgical and Mining Engineering from the Federal University from Minas Gerais (2002 - emphasis on Materials Science - Ceramic, Composite and Metallic Surface Tribological Coatings), postgraduate degree in Mathematics from Faculdade de Nanuque (2014) and MBA in Hybrid Education, Active Methodologies and Learning Management (2020). At ArcelorMittal Tubarão I worked as a specialist in Integrated Product Quality Control - plate and coil (2001~2008) and as a specialist in Production Planning and Control-PCP in Product Order Management in coil (2008~2013), thus obtaining the experiences in the areas of Metallurgical Engineering - Integrated Product Quality Control and Production Engineering - Product Order Management. I worked as a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES - 2004~2006 and 2009~2014) and Faculdade do Centro Leste (UCL - 02/2008~06/2008) teaching subjects from higher education courses in Metallurgical Engineering and Metallurgical Technology, and Metallurgy Technician in both institutions (being the disciplines: Steel, Steel, Mechanical Conformation, Casting and Welding). I also work as a Mathematics and Chemistry teacher in state education institutions for high school (since 2013). I am currently a master professor at UNISALES - Centro Universitário Salesiano (2013) in the subjects of: Materials Science, Material Strength, General Inorganic and Technological Chemistry, Mechanics I, Production Planning and Control I, Production Processes, Production Systems, Lean Manufacturing and Production Installations Projects for Production Engineering and Civil Engineering courses. He acted as coordinator and advisor of interdisciplinary integrative projects in the Civil Engineering course. I worked as a professor coordinator and advisor of interdisciplinary integrative projects and professor of TCC projects, both in the Production Engineering course. (Text provided by the author)


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How to Cite

Carvalho, F. L. S. de, & Leite Junior, C. P. (2022). Raw material loss evaluation: a proposal to improve a bakery process. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 8(2), 37–61. https://doi.org/10.47456/bjpe.v8i2.36973