People management in times of global health crisis: case study in the city of São Paulo – SP


  • Renata dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Manoel Gonçales Filho Pecege/USP/Esalq



Motivational factors, management, pandemic, home office


The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) stroked the year 2020 around the globe with countless challenges and uneasiness’s to organizations and general population. This essay objective is pursuing basement in literature to comprehend how to keep workers motivation during a healthy crisis using qualitative approach and comparative method to analyze data under an exploratory aspect through case study at a mental health unit in São Paulo city. The results founded, identified that the organization showed difficulties in managing the team and administrate practical matters, as the way to proceed to keep the team motivated through this pandemic critical period. In this context, some solutions supported by literature where thought out for this organization under study, as follows; implementation of a home office system, person-oriented administration, assertive and continuous communication and worker training and qualification.


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Author Biography

Manoel Gonçales Filho, Pecege/USP/Esalq

Doctor in Business Administration from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP) (2021) [Full 40-hour doctoral fellowship by the Ministry of Education and Science (CAPES)]. Master in Production Engineering from UNIMEP (2015) [Full Master's Scholarship 40 hours by CAPES]. Business Administrator graduated from the School of Engineering of Piracicaba (EEP) (2002). He has two LATU SENSU postgraduate degrees: Specialization in People Management from UNIMEP (2004) and an MBA in Financial Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) (2006). He is a professor at the Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo (Fatec) linked to the State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza, professor at the Centro Universitário Salesiano Dom Bosco (UNISAL), in the areas of Administration, Accounting and Economics, and a research supervisor scientific papers and final papers for the MBA in Project Management and People Management at Pecege ESALQ / USP. He is the author of five books in the area of ​​Production Management and of more than a hundred scientific articles published in national and international journals and congresses. GONÇALES FILHO, M. The research interest is in the development of the Lean Thinking (LP) philosophy and in Sustainable Practices: Economic, Environmental and Social. Cleaner Production, General Administration, People Management, Project Management, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Analysis of the Economic and Financial Feasibility of Investments. Professor Dr. Manoel Gonçales Filho E-mail: (Text provided by the author)acicaba, SP, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. dos, & Gonçales Filho, M. (2021). People management in times of global health crisis: case study in the city of São Paulo – SP. Brazilian Journal of Production Engineering, 7(5), 269–278.

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