Literary literacy, Children's literature, Literary practiceAbstract
This research aimed to understand how the promotion of literary literacy happens, in the context of the classroom, in a class of elementary school I, from the public school of the state of Ceará, through the work with children's literature books. For this, we conducted a field research in a class of a school located in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, highlighted in state and national external evaluations. The research was anchored in studies on literary literacy and literary reading practices with guiding children's literature by Kleiman (1995), Soares (2016, 2017), Cosson (2014, 2016), Paulino (1999, 2001), Colomer (2017), Faria (2013), Lajolo (1991, 2008), Vygotsky (2003) and others. The results showed that literary literacy occurs in the participating class through a planned and organized work with the literary text focused on playfulness and enjoyment of the small reader. To this end, children's literature is present in school daily through the literary reading practices conducted by the participating teacher who expanded the possibilities of using the literary text in the classroom, with creative and pleasurable activities performed with the text in the hands of students.
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