Critical Discourse Analysis, Racism, Racial QuotaAbstract
This article aims to conduct an analysis on the discourses that reverberate and naturalize racial discrimination and racism through the lyrics of a Brazilian song entitled "Cota não é esmola". The theoretical-methodological framework is based on the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), guided by Norman Fairclough (2001; 2003). The analytical method is qualitative (descriptive and interpretive), establishing a study in which the process is materialized in the text itself. In this way, the descriptive and interpretative practices give us a greater visibility of the world's knowledge on the ethno-racial theme. Thus, we understand the three dimensions framework for studying discourse: i) textual analysis, based on vocabulary and negative sentences, ii) discursive practices, through interdiscourses and social representations, and iii) social practice, focused on ideological aspects. The debate on affirmative action policies will be based on Munanga (2001, 2007), to reflect upon possible resistance strategies. From the analysis, we point out that musical activism acts as a legitimate practice that collaborates and raises critical and reflective awareness of people in the search for racial equality.
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