

This article seeks to study, in the communicational device, some discursive techniques that allow the adhesion of the other to a certain position through pathemic indices. As an example of these procedures, we start by analyzing texts from the journalistic sphere, published by two different media instances, about the death of an eight-year-old girl during a police action in Rio de Janeiro. The theoretical framework for the proposed analyzes is anchored in the assumptions of Patrick Charaudeau's Semiolinguistic Theory (2007; 2009) with an emphasis on the media communication contract and information staging strategies. In addition, concepts are also employed in the Bakhtinian perspective (2003), which conceives genres as “relatively stable types of utterances” historically marked, since they are directly related to different social situations. As a result, it is argued that it is possible to perceive a specific part of the social space as a discursive strategy to capture the other through the use of pathemic indices.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Heiderich Marchon, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Doutora e mestra em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); graduada em Letras pela Faculdade de Filosofia Santa Dorotéia. Realiza estágio de pós-doutorado em Estudos da Linguagem na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

Claudia Antunes, UNIFA

Doutora e mestra em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); graduada em Letras - Português e Literaturas pela UFRJ. É professora da Universidade da Força Aérea (UNIFA).

