INES, INES Representation, Letters of deaf parents, Systemic-Functional LinguisticsAbstract
This article presents the analysis of letters written by family members of the deaf under the Systemic-Functional perspective of Halliday (1994) and Halliday and Matthiessen (2004, 2014), through the ideational meta-function. The objetive is to reflect on the importance of the National Institute of Deaf Education – INES in those documents and understand the representativeness of INES. Eight letters written in the 1930s were analyzed, addressed to the Institute with a request for enrollment or permanence of their relatives at the Institution. The analysis of the letters showed the representativeness of INES at the time and which can be expanded to the present day, as it is considered a reference in the education of the deaf and a caring and welcoming institution.
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