Teaching and learning of English, Public school, Students’ voice and attitudesAbstract
This work seeks to comprehend attitudes of high school students from a public state school in Santa Catarina, Brazil, in relation to the English language. This article is part of a larger project that characterized the linguistic profile of these students through a semi-open questionnaire, and later, semi-structured interviews were conducted. With a focus on Education, the literature related to additional languages, the school context and language policies was used for data analysis, which reveals beliefs related to the learning of English. As a preliminary result, for the subjects, learning collaborates with personal and professional development. The subjects demonstrated autonomy for language learning in informal contexts because the students have the possibility to research topics of interest and interact with people around the world. Thus, the data suggests that school curricula should take into account what the student learns beyond school, making it possible to put into practice linguistic knowledge learned both at school and outside it through informal interactions.
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