Pedagogy of multiliteracies, National Common Curricular Base, Portuguese ComponentAbstract
In this article, we analyze the close dialogue that exists between the text of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for High School in the Portuguese discipline/component (2017) and the programmatic manifesto of the pedagogy of the multiliteracies proposed by the New London Group (NLG, 1996). For this, we will make a brief analysis of the emergence of this pedagogy in international contexts and how this pedagogical proposal was inserted in the Brazilian context, with implications for the Portuguese component of the BNCC. On account of being a research exploratory-descriptive research, we followed a course guided by the theoretical approaches of pedagogy of multiliteracies, regarding to three guiding axes what, why and how. Next, we analyze the relationship between the text and the BNCC statements that address the fields of practice and language skills. We have seen that the Portuguese component of High School dialogues with the philosophical and structural principles of pedagogy of various elements, in order to bring lexical, contextual and methodological similarities. At the end of the article, we outline some reflections on the idea of colonization of studies about multiliteracies and how this colonization can influence a curricular component in Brazil.
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