Academic literacies, Disciplinary cultures, Scientific initiationAbstract
This article relates the disciplinary cultures of the areas of Literature and Linguistics with the hidden aspects of academic teaching from interviews with fellows linked to the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships of the Federal University of Ceará. We rely on the concepts of disciplinary cultures (HYLAND, 1997; 2000; 2009), of academic literacies (LEA; STREET, 2006) and hidden dimensions / hidden aspects (STREET, 2010; CORRÊA, 2011; KOMESU, 2012; KOMESU; GAMBARATO, 2013) to associate them with the notion of disciplinary cultures. The methodology is qualitative with ethnographic outlines, using semi-structured interviews with eight fellows. The data show that the relationships between the two areas are distinct and not approximate, depending on the specific characteristics that each area evokes; they also point out that, because they need to deal with generic instruments to all areas of knowledge, the fellows perceive the disciplinary cultures as hidden aspects, meaning them as obstacles to the acquisition and engagement in academic teaching.
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