


Linguistic variation, We, Written language, School


There are an increasing number of studies that have investigated the processes of linguistic variation. Results attest that linguistic uses are conditioned by internal and social restrictions. We aim to describe and analyze the behavior of the pronominal expression "we", in the light of the Theory of Variation (LABOV, 1966; 2008[1972) in written texts, produced by two public schools. The corpus consists of 91 texts (literary and chronic memories), and is stratified by gender, educational level, age group, textual / discursive genre, type of school and linguistic variables. The methodology followed the steps of the Labovian technique and for statistical treatment, after extracting the occurrences and coding, the Goldvarb X Program package was used (SANKOFF, TAGLIAMONTE; SMITH, 2005). The results obtained demonstrate that the pronominal expression “we” is the second most frequent variant and that its linguistic use is conditioned by social factors (school type) and linguistic factors (accent position, verbal tense, type of conjugation verbal and following phonological context). The selected variables, on the one hand, point out mathematically the most frequent contexts of emergence of the variant "we" and on the other that we are facing another grammatical rule to indicate the 1st person of the plural in Brazilian Portuguese.


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Author Biography

Josenildo Freire, Secretaria de Estado da Educação, da Cultura, do Esporte e do Lazer (SEEC-RN)

Doutor e mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB); especialista em Ensino-Aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN); graduado em Letras pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB). É professor de Língua Portuguesa da rede pública de Educação Básica no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte.


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