Topic organization in opinion article genre
Topic organization, Discursive topic, Opinion Article genreAbstract
Considering the theoretical and methodological framework of Textual-Interactive Grammar (JUBRAN, 2015), this study emcompasses the attesting of a language unity designed into the extent of textual organization. Thus, this study Topic Organization focuses on opinion articles published in newspapers, aiming to demonstrate if in this genre, the intertopic and intratopic organization are composed as a regular process or if it is essentially a process of inconstant. The methodology applied follows the topic analysis in which consider a textual analysis based on the category of discursive topic, and demonstrates that an intertopic organization dimension and an intratopic organization context of the opinion articles are particularly characterized with high traces of irregularities from the descriptions in terms of topic orgnization. These traces of irregularities enable support that the text is composed with particular properties.
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